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Monday, August 15, 2011

Lego... OR IN DUTCH "leg godt", meaning "play well."

Well another week has passed us by. As you probably guessed by the tittle, this week involved Lego of some sort. Who remebers playing with LEGO as a child. I remember sitting there lost for hours on my play mat, the only thing breaking the silence was the scream of my mother or father as they stepped on a scew piece of LEGO somewhere in the middle of the lounge room. (Nothing makes you feel alive quite like the imense pain of stepping on one of these beauties!)
So when I was asked to make a LEGO cake my heart started beating so fast from the excitement... Can you imagine cake + LEGO + ganache + did I say cake??? This is a cake makers favourite things (building, construction etc etc.) So my task was set before me. I opted for a Vanilla flavoured cake with chocolate ganache filling (nice and delicious but not to heavy for the kids eating it.)
The last few weeks also called for A (Band name) TOOL Cake, rainbow swirl cupcakes, Chealsea football club cupcakes, A combined 21st & 18th Birthday cupcakes, Cupcakes for Wayside Chapel in the Cross.

(Edible images show just how easily you can have your Logo on our cupcakes)

But the real highlight of the week... possibly even better than Lego was... Creating these Super Dooper cute Birthday Invitations for a little Boys 1st Birthday. Now I have to be honest invitations are not my forte, but when my Mr. 7's teacher asked if I made them I just couldnt help myself... The Very Hungry Caterpiller theme... Now Im not sure about you but that book was in my house growing up, and is in my house now for my children to enjoy and when they have children I ll be sure to be buying it for my Grandchildren... I remember reading it, turing every page... waiting for it to transform to a beautiful butterfly, and everytime I have read it has been just as exciting as the first time. If you have no idea what Im talking about, here is a link to buy it on AMAZON, and I highly recommend it.
These were Super fun to make, and play with after I made them.
He is a lucky boy... She is a fantastic teacher and Im sure a fantasic Mummy.


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